Wallpaper is no longer just made out of paper. Today's wallpapers can be found made of materials such as vinyl, cotton, linen, foil, silk, dried flowers and grass, cork and much more. The majority of wallpapers are either hand printed or machine printed. And most of them have fire retardant backings.
Wall borders are simply long, narrow strips of wallpaper used to edge a wall, ceiling, doorway or window. Wall borders, like wallpaper, are not just made out of paper. Borders can be found made from vinyl, fabrics such as cotton or linen, foil, silk, dried flowers and grass, painted stencils and much more. Many homeowners create boarder effects in children's rooms and bathrooms using latex paint and cut out stencil patterns of Disney characters or marine life. Wall borders are often placed along walls to lengthen or tighten a room. For example, a border placed a few inches below the ceiling's and wall will shorten a room; while a border placed on the ceiling will raise the ceiling. Wall borders are also commonly placed mid-point along walls to divide the walls. And narrow borders are effective for outlining windows and doors.
Who are we?
Astron House (registration no:53103599M) is incporated in 2007 to provide our customers on the widest range of design of wallpapers. As to keep cost efficient and low and provide top quality wallpapers for our customers is our golden rule, we operate from a online and mobile basis, thus saving the you the extra dollars.
The common misunderstandings:
- Wallpapers need not be installed in the whole house, it can be installed onto one piece of wall which can be your feature wall and with some DIY, a simplistic and artistic wall will be at your home in no time. Alternatively, you can also install the whole house with wallpapers to increase the feel.
-It is ok that you are already currently living in the house or have already renovated the house, because the installation of wallpapers is a simple task done by our professionals, which can be done in a short time without much mess and hassle.
- Wallpapers comes in a variety of choices, changing your wallpaper on certain ocassions or when you feel sick about it, its a simple job to tear down and replace with another design of wallpaper. The wallpaper will not destroy your wall.
- Wallpapers can add not only designs to your wall but also texture, which in turn comes under lighting effects will create a house with the ambiance of the theme and thus bring out the feel.
DIY your own feature wall
- Expensive to ask a designer to create a feature wall on your living room and bedroom? Feature wall can be easily made when you give us your prefered theme and at a cost much more lower than what designers and contractors can offer to you.
- Free consultation for theme and design of wallpaper choices to fit your wants.
Why Wallpaper?
- Living in a space for a certain period of time makes a person feel dull, thus making use of wallpapers to create a whole new feeling, giving your house a fresh and new look by using wallpaper is simple, quick and not costly as compared to renovating a piece of wall.
- Wallpapers can be easily installed within a few hours and you may chose to change your wallpapers as and when you feel you want a new theme.
- Our installer provides good job finishes and ensures symmetrical installations on your wall.
Interested parties, please email us at sales@astronhouse.com for details or to make an appointment with us to give you a quotation.
To get a general quotation, please follow the 3 simple steps below:
1) Took down the design code you have chosen from http://www.astronhouse.com/
2) Measure the wall you are installing with wallpaper (in metres - width x height)
3) Lastly, email us the above details at sales@astronhouse.com or SMS us at 98763293
Astron House - your wallpaper solutions
Wall borders are simply long, narrow strips of wallpaper used to edge a wall, ceiling, doorway or window. Wall borders, like wallpaper, are not just made out of paper. Borders can be found made from vinyl, fabrics such as cotton or linen, foil, silk, dried flowers and grass, painted stencils and much more. Many homeowners create boarder effects in children's rooms and bathrooms using latex paint and cut out stencil patterns of Disney characters or marine life. Wall borders are often placed along walls to lengthen or tighten a room. For example, a border placed a few inches below the ceiling's and wall will shorten a room; while a border placed on the ceiling will raise the ceiling. Wall borders are also commonly placed mid-point along walls to divide the walls. And narrow borders are effective for outlining windows and doors.
Any type of wall covering used to advertise a commercial product can be referred to as a commercial wall covering. They come in various forms including wall paper, paintings, murals, borders, drapery, shades, tapestries, etc. Commercial wall coverings often come in textures such as vinyl, textile, fabric and tiles. Commercial wall coverings are diverse and versatile decorating products and can be used on just about any type of flat surface. When you are installing commercial wall coverings, make sure you don't use excessive moisture as this could lead to mold and mildew. Commercial wall coverings also come in various colors, designs and styles. The price will vary depending on the material used.
Astron House also provides professional installation of your desired wallpaper, making your wall a perfect feature.
Who are we?
Astron House (registration no:53103599M) is incporated in 2007 to provide our customers on the widest range of design of wallpapers. As to keep cost efficient and low and provide top quality wallpapers for our customers is our golden rule, we operate from a online and mobile basis, thus saving the you the extra dollars.
The common misunderstandings:
- Wallpapers need not be installed in the whole house, it can be installed onto one piece of wall which can be your feature wall and with some DIY, a simplistic and artistic wall will be at your home in no time. Alternatively, you can also install the whole house with wallpapers to increase the feel.
-It is ok that you are already currently living in the house or have already renovated the house, because the installation of wallpapers is a simple task done by our professionals, which can be done in a short time without much mess and hassle.
- Wallpapers comes in a variety of choices, changing your wallpaper on certain ocassions or when you feel sick about it, its a simple job to tear down and replace with another design of wallpaper. The wallpaper will not destroy your wall.
- Wallpapers can add not only designs to your wall but also texture, which in turn comes under lighting effects will create a house with the ambiance of the theme and thus bring out the feel.
DIY your own feature wall
- Expensive to ask a designer to create a feature wall on your living room and bedroom? Feature wall can be easily made when you give us your prefered theme and at a cost much more lower than what designers and contractors can offer to you.
- Free consultation for theme and design of wallpaper choices to fit your wants.
Why Wallpaper?
- Living in a space for a certain period of time makes a person feel dull, thus making use of wallpapers to create a whole new feeling, giving your house a fresh and new look by using wallpaper is simple, quick and not costly as compared to renovating a piece of wall.
- Wallpapers can be easily installed within a few hours and you may chose to change your wallpapers as and when you feel you want a new theme.
- Our installer provides good job finishes and ensures symmetrical installations on your wall.
Interested parties, please email us at sales@astronhouse.com for details or to make an appointment with us to give you a quotation.
1) Took down the design code you have chosen from http://www.astronhouse.com/
2) Measure the wall you are installing with wallpaper (in metres - width x height)
3) Lastly, email us the above details at sales@astronhouse.com or SMS us at 98763293